If you’re getting ready for a building project, one of the first things to think about is keeping the site safe. That’s where builder signs come in. They show your company’s logo and contact info and also tell everyone about safety. Let’s look at the important signs you need for construction jobs in Australia:
1. Company Logo and Contact Details: Put your logo and contact info on a sign at the site entrance. This helps people know who you are and how to reach you.
2. PPE Signs: Safety comes first! Signs remind everyone to wear safety gear like hard hats, vests, and boots to stay safe on-site.
3. Accident Reporting and Emergency Contact Details: If something goes wrong, it’s important to know who to call. Make sure it’s easy to find contact info for emergencies.
4. Construction Zone Warning Signs: Warn people about dangers in the construction area with clear signs. Make it clear that only authorized people can enter.
5. No Alcohol Signs: Keep things safe by saying no to alcohol on-site. Signs should show that drinking alcohol is not allowed in the construction zone.
6. Office Location Signs: Help people find the office by putting up signs that point the way. This makes it easier for communication during construction.
7. First Aid Kit Signs: Safety is key. Show where first aid kits are so they can be found quickly in an emergency.
Remember, keep it simple. Use clear words and easy-to-understand pictures so everyone gets the message.
By using these signs, you’re not only following rules but also making sure everyone stays safe. Before starting a big project, make sure your signs are ready!
You can get these signs online from Get Signs. We deliver fast to all states in Australia, like New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, and the Northern Territory. Our signs are tough and won't fade or get graffiti on them. So, no matter where you are, your signs will arrive quickly and stay looking good!
For more info or to order, you can visit Get Signs’ website or give them a call.