Animal Signs

Navigate Wildlife Safely with Our Animal Signs Collection

Animal Signs

Animal signs are road signs that warn drivers of the presence of animals in the area and to exercise caution. They are commonly used in rural areas, where animals may roam freely and cross roads. Some common animal signs in Australia include:

-Kangaroo Crossing Sign: A sign with a picture of a kangaroo, indicating the presence of kangaroos in the area and the need to exercise caution when driving.

-Wildlife Crossing Sign: A sign with a silhouette of a wild animal, indicating the presence of various types of wildlife in the area and the need to be cautious when driving.

-Slow: Livestock Sign: A sign with a picture of a cow and the word "Slow", indicating the presence of livestock in the area and the need to slow down.

-Horse Riding Sign: A sign with a picture of a horse and rider, indicating the presence of horse riders in the area and the need to exercise caution.

These signs are placed in areas where animals are known to cross roads, and drivers should be prepared to slow down or stop if necessary to avoid hitting an animal. Hitting an animal can cause serious damage to a vehicle and harm the animal, and it is important for drivers to be mindful of the presence of animals on the road.

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